SCOL'24 | Poster | Call For Papers | Program
Call For Papers
Thank you very much for your interest in SCOL 2024! We are no longer accepting submissions.
Extended submission deadline: February 11, 2024
Submission deadline: February 1, 2024
We are pleased to announce the 6th annual edition of Boğaziçi University Student Conference on Linguistics (SCOL)! Formerly known as BUSCTEL, Boğaziçi SCOL aims to gather graduate and undergraduate students in Linguistics from all over the world at a conference in the world-famous transcontinental metropolis, Istanbul. Ever since 2018, thanks to our organization team’s undying passion and unyielding diligence in their efforts, each year we enrich our catalogue of research projects, broaden the visions of our attendees, and house more and more guests from around the globe.
SCOL invites abstracts in any area of linguistic research, including but not limited to syntax, morphology, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, phonology, phonetics, typology, computational syntax/semantics and all relevant interfaces and related fields in cognitive/social sciences. If you are an aspiring linguist or interested in the aforementioned fields, submit an abstract to join us in our linguistic venture!
The official language of the conference is English. Submissions are open for 30-minute talks (20-minute talk + 10 minutes for discussion) and posters.
All graduate and undergraduate students are welcome to submit an abstract via our Oxford Abstracts platform here
Abstract guidelines:
Submissions that fail to comply with any of the following guidelines will be automatically rejected.
- Submit anonymized abstracts in PDF format with the filename PaperTitle.pdf.
- Include the paper title and keywords (e.g., linguistic subfield(s), language(s)/language family) within the abstract.
- Limit abstracts to two pages in A4 format in length. Use one-inch or 2.5 cm margins on all sizes and Times New Roman 12 point font size. The paragraph spacing should be 1,5 lines.
- Incorporate data into the main text of the abstract, not on a separate page.
- Anonymize submissions by not including author name(s) or any institutional name(s) in the abstract or filename.
- Use the Oxford Abstracts platform for the submission of abstracts.
- Restrict submissions to one individual abstract and one joint abstract per author, or two joint abstracts per author.
- The language of the abstract must be English.
Keynote speakers:
Dr. Junko Kanero, Department of Psychology, Sabancı University
Dr. Markus Pöchtrager, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna
Important dates:
Extended submission deadline: February 11, 2024
Submission deadline: February 1, 2024
Notification for acceptance: March 10, 2024
Conference dates: May 31 - June 1, 2024
Contact us at scol at