SCOL'24 ‎ ‎ ‎ | ‎ ‎ ‎ Poster ‎ ‎ ‎ | ‎ ‎ ‎ Call For Papers ‎ ‎ ‎ | ‎ ‎ ‎ Program


You can access video recordings of our conference here.

Day 1: Friday, May 31
09:45 10:00Registration, Opening Remarks
First Session
10:00 10:30Metehan EryılmazHow Turkish Structural Cases Behave in Causative Constructions: A Dependent Case Theoretic Analysis
10:30 11:00Elif Orakçı & Dilay Z. KaradöllerExploring the Relation between Gesture Presentation Perspective and Children's Spatial Performance
11:00 11:30Nagihan LüleVerb Stranding VP Ellipsis in Turkish
11:30 12:00Coffee Break
12:00 13:00Invited: Junko KaneroPutting Person in the Equation: Role of Individual Differences in the Language-Thought Interplay
13:00 14:30Lunch Break
14:30 15:30Poster Session 1
Second Session
15:30 16:00Elnaz AzimiA Phonetic and Phonological Analysis of the Word-Final Post-Geminate Vocoid in Modern Standard Persian
16:00 16:30Mehmet Can Dadan & Uğur Erken & Stefano Canalis/e/ Lowering in the Turkish Negative Aorist
16:30 16:45Coffee Break
16:45 17:15Samira HamzeheiOnset Cluster Adaptation in Persian
Posters in session 1

The Role of Sound Symbolism on Trans+ Individuals’ Preferred Names: Challenging Binary Gender Cis-tem, Lilith Bardakçı

Classifier-Noun Constructions in the Yongjia Dialect of Wu Chinese, Shuyang Wei

The Puzzle of Complementation in Turkish, Ayşenur Coşkun

An Eclectic Analysis for Turkish Backward Gapping, Özhan Alp Şehit

Turkish Object Gaps: A Comparative Analysis of Verb-stranding Verb Phrase Ellipsis and Argument Ellipsis, Yasemin Fincan

Discursive construction of hegemonic power through political interviews: The case of Turkish presidential discourse, Selman Ecevit, Işıl Erduyan

Are randoms truly random?: Analyzing Linguistic Features of Keysmashes, Mehmet Eren Aydın, Zeynep Arıman, Zeynep Erdemir

VowSpace: A Vowel Formant Analysis Application, Ali Çağan Kaya

Counting events in Turkish, Ömer Çağrı Uğurlu

A Survey of Vowel Deletion in Turkish, Alize Aydın

Day 2: Saturday, June 1
Third Session
10:30 11:00Furkan DikmenWhat was believed, what was true: the case of meğer
11:00 11:30Baran GünayWh-exclamatives in Turkish: “Ne içtik be!”
11:30 12:00Coffee Break
12:00 13:00Invited: Markus PöchtragerPhonology goes syntax
13:00 14:30Lunch Break
14:30 15:30Poster Session 2
Fourth Session
15:30 16:00Rüveyda ŞahyarModeling Morphological Learning: Tolerance Principle on Turkish past tense -DI
16:00 16:30Engin Anıl YolcuA Critical Discourse Analysis of the Posts on Street Dogs in an Online Student Community
16:30 16:45Coffee Break
16:45 17:15Nisan Ece GümüşA Sociopragmatic Study on Turkish Native Speakers’ Condolence Speech Acts
17:15 17:45Madeline LadorePlural Semantics in Akan: An Experimental Investigation
Posters in session 2

Decoding Human-AI Interaction: A Discourse-Historical Analysis Approach of ChatGPT's Representation on Social Media, Zeynep Beste Coşkun

A Psycholinguistic Study of Slovenian Taboo Words: What Makes Taboo Word a Taboo?, Julija Kos, Christina Manouilidou

A Cross-Linguistic Corpus-Assisted Discourse Study of COVID-19 Vaccine News, Ahmet Ergün

Processing Post-verbal Quantifiers in Turkish, Baran Günay, Nagihan Lüle

Revisiting Turkish Reflexive Verbs, Zeynep Erdemir

Complexity of Telicity Marking in TİD, Aysemin Yaşar, Kadir Gökgöz, Bahadır Kisbet

Unraveling Pointing in Turkish Sign Language (TİD), Ece Eroğlu, Karahan Şahin, Kadir Gökgöz

Expressing Emotions Across Postpositional Constructions in Turkish: A Corpus-Based Approach, Deniz Engin, Fırat Başbuğ

An Investigation of Subject Attachment in Adjunct Clauses in Turkish, Ege Aydaş, Nazik Dinçtopal Deniz

Word Frequency Is a Cue to Word Order for Adults: Validating an Online Method with Speakers of Italian and Turkish for More Inclusive Psycholinguistic Testing, Zeynep Aydın, Judit Gervain

“They say” makes good liars: a cross-linguistic investigation on evidentiality in language and deception, Şeyma Kalender, Çağla Aydın, Ayberk Kaan Güneş, Selma Berfin Tanış, Junko Kanero, Amanda Edmonds, Fanny Meunier, Shona Whyte, Seçkin Arslan