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Student Conference on Linguistics 2023 (SCOL'23)

Welcome! Don't forget to register for SCOL '23 at our Google Forms link!

The 5th annual SCOL (formerly known as BUSCTEL) will take place on May 5-6, 2023 at Boğaziçi University South Campus Demir Demirgil Hall.

Keynote Speakers

Léa Nash

Aslı Gürer

SCOL is an annual conference that includes all aspects of linguistic research. Once again, we hope to include presentations and posters by students from other departments, as well as other universities, and to create an environment in which students studying in similar fields at different universities can exchange ideas and experiences. SCOL'22 drew more than 100 participants, hosted 15 speakers, and received submissions from 13 countries.

Previous events: BUSCTEL 2018 | BUSCTEL 2019 | BUSCTEL 2020 | SCOL 2022